Friday, January 4, 2013

B2B Marketers: Attract Big Dogs with Web Video

They gripe when employees do it.
But 73% of C-level executives watch Web videos during the workday, says MagnetVideo's David Rose.
That's big news for marketers.
Web videos work especially well when you want to draw the top dogs to your booth at a tradeshow, according to Rose.
One of his clients, QuantiSense, used a Web video to boost traffic at the National Retail Federation's Annual Expo.
Traffic increased 218%.
Before the show, QuantiSense shot a one-minute video and built a show-specific landing page to house it. The firm then blasted promotional emails to prospective attendees, and shared links to the landing page on social media outposts. The firm also posted the video on YouTube, grabbing organic Google search traffic by including the term "NRF 2012" in the video's title, description, tags and closed captioning.
During the show, the firm placed a 60-foot high banner outside the entrance to the exhibit hall. The banner featured a QR code that, when snapped, automatically launched the video. QuantiSense also played the video on large monitors inside its booth.
After the show, QuantiSense blasted followup emails to all visitors that included a link to the landing page. There was no escaping that video!
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