Sunday, July 15, 2012

Should You Highlight Your Pricing?

In A letter to event technology companies trying to sell me stuff, event guru Adrian Segar challenges marketers to trumpet their prices.

"Bombarded with email from event technology companies," Segar begs vendors to "give me some idea upfront how much your products/services cost."

He bristles at firms that "have spared no expense creating great material designed to turn me into a customer," but don't disclose prices. 

"I'm sorry," Segar writes, "but I don't have time to enter into your next sales stepthe 'contact us to discuss your requirements' danceon the off chance that your actual pricing model represents real value for me."

Segar in effect warns vendors, iyou're coy about costs, you can forget any consideration from me. "I can handle talking about money upfront. And so can you," he scolds.

Segar's letter speaks volumes about customers' mindset.

The simple fact: customers have been traumatized by "frugalnomics."

In many of their organizations, frugality still trumps growth (and will continue to do so until consumer and corporate spending return to pre-recession levels).

Should you respond to frugalnomics by highlighting your prices?

The short answer is: no.

That would be like a doctor showing the trauma patient photos of the accident scene to comfort him.

Your job as a marketer is to help prospectswith the aid of case studies and testimonials by gratified users—envision better days ahead.

Discussions about pricing should begin only after prospects understand how your products or services can improve the way they do business.
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