Friday, May 13, 2016

Don't Let the Weeds Win Out

"It’s easy to get lost in the weeds when planning a trade show," says Holly Barker in Event MB. 

Their focus on killing and controlling costs blinds most planners to the hidden profit streams their shows represent.

Barker suggests these simple ways to grow more green:
  • Pub crawl. Offer a limited number of exhibitors the chance to sponsor a pub crawl through the trade show floor. Make the event a blast by including themed games, besides beer and wine.
  • Parties. Offer exhibitors exclusive rights to make a big splash at your evening parties.
  • Logo rights. Offer one exhibitor exclusive rights to project its logo onto your venue's walls at night.
  • Online campaigns. Offer exhibitors the chance to co-brand content on your website. Also encourage sponsored content.
  • Matchmaking. Offer exhibitors an online matchmaking service that lets attendees sign up for meetings with them at your show. Link the service with sponsored content. And don't bury it in your website. Make sure people who can't attend can also view the content and get in touch with exhibitors.
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