Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dear Santa

My mom and dad said, if I write you a letter, you'd bring me all the things I want this Christmas.

So here goes.

Transformers.  Bring me as many of these as you can, Santa.  Sometimes I run out of ways to transform dull first drafts into inspiring copy.

Stinky the Garbage Truck.  I can use this to haul off the ideas I come up with that my clients reject.

Spy Net Video Watch.  I can use this super-special watch to keep tabs on competitors.  But, more importantly, I can use it to show up on time for appointments.

High School Musical 3 Game.  I want to relive high school this way.  My actual high school was more like the Revenge of the Nerds 3 Game.

Speedster Fire Truck. I need this to rescue the numerous clients I have who are too busy to notice their hair is on fire.

Thank you, Santa. 

If you bring me all these things, I promise, promise, promise to be good.
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