Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bye, Bye, Beefheart

I can't allow the moment to pass without noting the death last week of Don Van Vliet, who performed in the 1960s and '70s as Captain Beefheart.

Many an hour of my youth was spent (some would say misspent) grooving to Beefheart.

We toss the word around lighty, but Van Vliet was an artist.

He was the only big-name rocker I ever saw walk off the stage at the beginning of a performance, because the audience wouldn't accept his latest work. 

"You don't deserve this, [expurgated*]," he announced mid-song, and stormed off.

The concert was held in 1972 in George Washington University's Lisner Auditorium.  It lasted about 12 minutes, as I recall.

*Rhymes with suckers
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