Monday, October 17, 2016

Content Marketers: Don't Take It Anymore

Content marketers: Don't be a one-hit wonder.

By repurposing your most popular piece, you can enjoy a string of hits, says Emily King on

Copywriters at King's B2B agency transformed "The Seven Types of B2B Copywriter," an article in the firm's newsletter, into 10 additional pieces over two years.

"We realized that this message had legs, after seeing good click-through rates," King says.

"We decided that it would be a shame to limit that message’s audience to the select (read tiny) bunch of discerning B2B marketing professionals who subscribed to our newsletter. We had to take the message wider."

By "atomizing" the article, King's agency stretched the shelf-life of the original piece, and reached audiences who prefer their content delivered through platforms other than an e- newsletter.

As a result, her agency's revenue increased 28%.

From the article, King's copywriters created:
  • A blog post (a simple cut-and-paste job)
  • A podcast (featuring an outside journalist)
  • A board game (Funnel! The Content Marketing Strategy Game)
  • A conference presentation (The 7 Types of B2B Copywriter)
  • A second podcast (featuring highlights of the presentation and a slide deck)
  • A second blog post (recounting the development of the board game)
  • A third podcast (featuring interviews with the game creators)
  • A quiz (allowing B2B copywriters to identify their types)
  • An infographic (depicting the 7 types of copywriter)
  • A third blog post (namely, the King wrote for
Chunking the original article worked, King says. "Each new effort not only garnered new interest in our idea and our business, but also brought a new audience to our related content pieces."

Try it yourself.

You don't have to be a one-hit wonder anymore.

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