Friday, May 4, 2012

The Last Word in Websites

Pinterest may end the reign of the word, changing the Web into a mammoth picture book.
So says marketing consultant Frank Reed, writing for Biznology.
Reed claims "we are rapidly moving toward the point where we are going to be communicating in flash cards of imagesand words may be an unsettling extra, if needed at all."
Marketers may be forced to ditch copy for pictures, Reed says, for the simple reason that "everyone is doing it."
Googlebecause its engine indexes wordshas spurred marketers to build copy-intensive Websites, in an effort to optimize searches.
But the age of copy-heavy Websites may be at an end, thanks to the surge in popularity of Pinterest.
Customers' preference for pictures poses a predicament for marketers, Reed asserts. 
They must move quickly "toward toward a dumbed down version of communication," or run the risk of driving Website visitors away.
"Is your business ready for its image to be represented in images?" Reed asks.
"Are you able to help the over-informed get to your point as quickly as possible through eye candy? If not, you may find yourself looking antiquated quicker than you could have ever imagined."
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