Sunday, August 19, 2012

Reality Doesn't Interest Me


The quadrennial mudfest is upon us.

Is there any wonder why presidential campaigns have for decades been models of manipulation and deceit?

Elections are easy to sway when the majority of the electorate sleepwalks through life.

As journalist Walter Lippman observed his 1922 essay Public Opinion, elections are decided not only by "normal members of society"by whom he meant people who are informedbut by "persons who are mentally children or barbarians, people whose lives are a morass of entanglements, people whose vitality is exhausted, shut-in people, and people whose experience has comprehended no factor in the problem under discussion."

I am certain you'd welcome a substantive debate of political issues this election season as much as I.

But that's not likely to happen.

As propagandist Leni Riefenstahl once said, "Reality doesn't interest me."

Monday, August 13, 2012

Short Words Win

George Orwell advised, "Never use a long word where a short one will do."

The results of a 2005 experiment by psychologist Daniel Oppenheimer suggest Orwell was onto something.

Oppenheimer showed that writers who use big words needlessly are judged by readers as less intelligent than writers who use short ones.

To conduct his study, the Princeton psychologist borrowed students' writing samples and doctored them.

First, he created "highly complex" versions by replacing every noun, verb and adjective with its longest synonym.

Next, he created "moderately complex" versions by replacing every third noun, verb and adjective with its longest synonym.

Oppenheimer then asked subjects to read the various writing samples and rate the intelligence of their authors.

Across the board, the original samples won out over the moderately and highly complex versions.

Oppenheimer concluded, "Contrary to prevailing wisdom, increasing the complexity of a text does not cause an essay’s author to seem more intelligent. In fact, the opposite appears to be true."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Name Game

Lean Cuisine.
Why do rhymes make such powerful product names?
Because they're self-contained.
"Rhymes create a sense of symmetry and completion," writes naming pro Steve Rivkin in Branding Strategy Insider.
Rhymes also lessen confusion and "Humans like anything that simplifies the buzzing confusion in the world," according to Harvard linguist Steven Pinker.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Dreck Mail

The US Postal Service may be floundering, but neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will stay advertisers' use of direct mail.

No matter how attractively designed, in my book a direct mail piece that obscures the product or its benefits fails.

Case in point.

Yesterday's delivery brought me a hefty, richly printed B2B piece.

The piece arrived in a clear polywrap sleeve.

The advertiser was a major oil company.  

On the front side, below my name and address, appeared an offer ("Earn 5% rebates up to $30 on fuel purchases for 60 days").

On the reverse side was a large panel with a picture of a twisted highway.  

Above the picture was the headline, "Sometimes, managing your vehicles can seem, well... unmanageable."

I had to open the piece and pull a tab (marked "Pull") to slide the panel out.

My action revealed a picture of a straight highway.

Above was the headline, "Introducing real control and convenience."

Get it?

Before and after.

Before and after pictures should prompt me to visualize the product's benefits.

In this instance, they didn't.

I guess a picture isn't always worth a thousand words.

Only by opening the folder and reading the enclosures did I learn the oil company was pushing its credit card.

That's just too much work.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Should You Highlight Your Pricing?

In A letter to event technology companies trying to sell me stuff, event guru Adrian Segar challenges marketers to trumpet their prices.

"Bombarded with email from event technology companies," Segar begs vendors to "give me some idea upfront how much your products/services cost."

He bristles at firms that "have spared no expense creating great material designed to turn me into a customer," but don't disclose prices. 

"I'm sorry," Segar writes, "but I don't have time to enter into your next sales stepthe 'contact us to discuss your requirements' danceon the off chance that your actual pricing model represents real value for me."

Segar in effect warns vendors, iyou're coy about costs, you can forget any consideration from me. "I can handle talking about money upfront. And so can you," he scolds.

Segar's letter speaks volumes about customers' mindset.

The simple fact: customers have been traumatized by "frugalnomics."

In many of their organizations, frugality still trumps growth (and will continue to do so until consumer and corporate spending return to pre-recession levels).

Should you respond to frugalnomics by highlighting your prices?

The short answer is: no.

That would be like a doctor showing the trauma patient photos of the accident scene to comfort him.

Your job as a marketer is to help prospectswith the aid of case studies and testimonials by gratified users—envision better days ahead.

Discussions about pricing should begin only after prospects understand how your products or services can improve the way they do business.
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