Warwick Davies contributed today's post. With 25 year's experience running conferences and trade shows, he owns and operates The Event Mechanic!
What are the critical factors that will hasten the decline of an event? I’d boil them down to two:
2. Not knowing what’s going on in your market from a DNA level
Is your knowledge of your marketplace ‘imported?” Are you part of the market or just serving it? If the latter, how do you know which innovations to feature without being too forward or not forward enough?
That’s the bad news. How do you reverse the trends? Just do the opposite of the above: make a commitment to keep all your relationships healthy and your knowledge current and relevant. Resting on your laurels in this business is going to eventually end in disaster…
1. Losing positive engagement with your key stakeholders, who are:
- Top 10 sponsors
- Top 10 content drivers or thought leaders
- Top 10 attendee groups
- Top 10 suppliers (hotels and general service contractors)
2. Not knowing what’s going on in your market from a DNA level
Is your knowledge of your marketplace ‘imported?” Are you part of the market or just serving it? If the latter, how do you know which innovations to feature without being too forward or not forward enough?
That’s the bad news. How do you reverse the trends? Just do the opposite of the above: make a commitment to keep all your relationships healthy and your knowledge current and relevant. Resting on your laurels in this business is going to eventually end in disaster…