MarketingProfs, copywriter Sid Smith asks, “Do all demographics respond well to
lead nurturing?” They do, if you use the right content, Smith says.
- Younger buyers have shorter attention spans than older buyers, who tend to delve more deeply into subjects. Videos and snippets work best for younger buyers.
- Younger buyers are persuaded by statistics; older buyers by experience. Use lots of data to persuade younger buyers.
- Corporate buyers respond to value propositions that address their need to be right. Be sure to "start with truth" and don't vary from it.
- Consumers respond to value propositions that address their need to be safe. They also place a lot of credence in social proof. Be sure to use numerous testimonials.
- Buyers of every age aren't rational. Feelings always trump facts.
- Buyers of every age will buy if they trust you; and all need to feel appreciated.