Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Mark Twain once quipped, "Let us make a special effort to stop communicating with each other, so we can have some conversation."

USA Today recently reported that business professionals receive 110 messages a day through such channels as email, SMS, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

"People are drowning in a deluge of data," the paper concludes.

As a result, executives are witnessing a rise in employee burnout, errors and miscommunication.

TMI.  Too much information. 

As a marketer, your path forward is clear:

Less is always more.  Most readers will only browse the first few lines of any message.  Break up large ideas into small, digestible chunks.

Give readers signposts.  Use headlines, subheadlines, photos and captions to guide them.

Start with the desired action.  Satisfy overtaxed readers by beginning with your "call to action."
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