Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Do You Look in Black?

"Authenticity" is the new black.

The trend poses a huge problem for many marketers.  Why?  Because authenticity requires credibility.  And credibility isn't the strong suit of a lot of organizations.

Think about it. 

How many times have you been victimized by providers of poor service and manufacturers of shoddy goods?  

Probably thousands.

I'll bet not one of those organizations used an advertising slogan like, "Stinko. And proud of it." or "Terrible. Every time."

No, their ads probably claimed instead that they're "Connecting and Perfecting" or "Reaching Beyond Excellence."

Even if your branding appears healthy on the outside, it won't save your organization's reputation if there's cancer within.

"But I'm just the marketing manager," you insist.  "I can't fix customer-service problems.  I can't eliminate product-bugs."

True enough.  You probably can't cure the disease.  But you can help your organization by finding its place of authenticity. 

The journey starts when you discover the "truth" in the eyes of your customers.

Authentic branding isn't that hard.  In fact, it's really pretty basic.  Like black. 

You can learn more about it by reading my free report, Path of Persuasion.

How do you look in black?
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