he has to give in times of crisis.
Cover by Al Rossi |
Cover by Ben Stahl |
Cover by Paul Rader |
How can these fools deny science, eschew common sense, and cling so adamantly to moronic beliefs? How can they be such trash?
But then the words on the base of Liberty remind me: we're all trash.
Some trash gather at motorcycle rallies; some, at country clubs; some, on street corners; some, on private islands; some, in megachurches; some, in art museums.
Some trash don't gather anywhere, but sit alone on the couch watching Fox News or The Bachelor or reruns of Barnaby Jones; some sit alone watching TikTok, reading Facebook, or writing blog posts.
But, all the same, we're all trash.
You're here because your forebears were refuse.
The quality folks—the gifted, good-mannered, powerful people—stayed in the old country.
Only the trash came—or were deported—here.
That's American exceptionalism.
Get your shots, trashy people, so the rest of the trash doesn't catch Delta Plus (or, as I like to call it, Covid with Cheese).