Friday, April 9, 2021

Voter Suppression Has My Vote

Let the rabble amuse itself by voting.

― Aldous Huxley

Right-wing columnist Kevin Williamson grabbed headlines this week by recommending "categorical" voter suppression.

"The republic would be better served by having fewer—but better—voters," he wrote.

We believe it's a mainstay, but voting is at best a "sedative," Williamson argues.

"It soothes people with the illusion that they have more control over their lives and their public affairs than they actually do," he writes.

Denying the vote to progressives and populists would get us out of the mess we're in, Williams argues. He would begin reform by raising the voting age to 30.

I'm all for categorical voter disenfranchisement, too. In fact, with Socrates, I long for a republic in which "guardians"—not mudsills—appoint philosophers to rule the state.

So to whom would I deny voting rights? Here's my Top 10 list:
  1. Inattentive parents
  2. Conspiracy theorists
  3. Overachievers
  4. Wyoming residents
  5. People who reflexively "reply all"
  6. Brand ambassadors
  7. Ayn Rand fans
  8. Incompetent Zoom users
  9. Road hogs
  10. Suze Orman
How about you? 

Does voter suppression have your vote?
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