Thursday, July 2, 2020

Hanging On

We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately.

― Benjamin Franklin

Last evening, I spent an hour on a Google Hangout with the organizers and volunteers for a political campaign.

I never involve myself in politics, but I want to help a progressive who's challenging an incumbent US senator in my state's Democratic primary.

The crowd was mostly young, eager and soft-spokeneveryone duly chastened, I think, by the uphill battle they're waging.

This morning's news is filled with mentions of Antifa, Boogaloo and QAnon, groups whose names sound like brands of stool-softeners.

I'm glad to know there are at least a few folks committed to orderly progress.

To everyone still with a scintilla of civilityleft, right or centerI say this: 

We must all hang on, or surely we'll all hang each other.

Happy July 4th! Wear a mask in public.

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