Saturday, December 10, 2016

Childish Things

May 1971

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

— Corinthians 13:11

As reported after the election in The Wall Street Journal, deans at Cornell, Tufts and the University of Michigan tried to comfort angry students with hot chocolate, Play-Doh and coloring books.

Good luck with that.

My gut tells me mollycoddling is out.

There's something happening here.

A new generation is about to do what a big part of mine did.


November 2016

Perhaps because I'm Irish-American, resistance is near and dear. In fact, I came to live in Washington, DC, as a direct result of participating in May Day, a large-scale civil disobedience event held on the National Mall in 1971. It's remembered today because it ended with the mass arrest of a third of the 36,000 protestors (I avoided that fate, to my parents' relief).

For years, we have lamented the generation of "snowflakes" doted on by helicopter parents and their milquetoast surrogates. But the snowflakes' hour draws near...

Arrest may be the cure for arrested development.

NOTE: Opinions are mine.
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