Thursday, June 28, 2012

Social Media Marketing Would Make George Carlin's List

Oxymorons was one of comedian George Carlin's best routines.

Carlin relished the absurdity of stock phrases like "friendly fire," "resident alien" and "genuine veneer."

You can add to the list, "social media marketing."

Does your organization get it?

It's just a matter of good manners. 

Steering a conversation toward yourself is boorish.

And fruitless.

Unless it was started explicitly to solicit referrals, inserting a commercial note into a conversation will kill it. Quickly.

Given our need for commercial-free conversation, it's little wonder the social media platforms can't find an ad-revenue business model that works.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Closer They are to Buying, the More Customers Talk about Your Advertising

As they near a buying decision, customers talk about your advertising, according to a 2011 study by the Keller Fay Group.

But if your advertising's not talkworthy, they won't have much to say.

That's why it's wise to begin any ad campaign with the copy.

No one ever talks about the clever use of of Calluna Sans in your mailers, the bold use of orange on your home page, or the relaxed read in your radio spots.

The words put the word in "word of mouth."

That's why Miami-based agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky asks its creative teams to submit their ideas for new campaigns in the form of a news release.

By framing the campaign in terms that are newsworthy, they increase the odds the campaign will also be talkworthy.
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