Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Your Website Mobile Ready?

By 2013, there will be 1.7 billion mobile Internet users.

How can you be sure your Website is ready for them?

Self-proclaimed geek Shane Ketterman offers these tips on Copyblogger:

Create smart navigation. Make sure to give readers distinct ways to link to your “cornerstone content.”

Limit the use of images. Limit the number of images to one or two and avoid using Flash and Javascript. Best practice? Stick with HTML.

Employ friendly design. Use plenty of whitespace around paragraphs. Break up long blocks of text and make sure your content is easy to scan.

Write clearly. Make sure to use compelling headlines that let readers know they’re going to have a good experience reading your content. Getting quickly to the point also assures readers can digest your material on their mobile devices, even while they’re distracted with other tasks.

Find more tips for writing clearly in my free special report, Path of Persuasion.
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