Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How to Create Social Email

Social media has changed email marketing, says Gail Goodman, columnist for Entreprenuer.

Persuading readers to share your emails has become critical.

You can prompt readers to share your emails by providing content that signals you understand their priorities; entertains them; and asks for feedback and participation.

Four additional things you can do to create a “social e-mail experience:”
  1. Include a social icon in every email. The "Forward to a Friend" feature lets readers share your content with another person. But by adding social icons to your email, the same reader can now share it with her entire Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn networks.
  2. Include links to your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages in your emails. Be sure to give reasons why readers should join you on social media destinations.
  3. Entice readers with a link to a conversation you want to continue on Twitter or to an exclusive contest or survey you're featuring on Facebook.
  4. Always post your email content on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Keep conversations alive by reposting snippets on different social media destinations.
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