Friday, January 21, 2011

Meet. Play. Love.

Study after study proves, without doubt, that "face-to-face" is the most powerful marketing medium.

"Why?" you might ask.

The answer lies deep in our limbic system, says author and speaker Carol Kinsey Gorman, in a recent edition of Communications World Bulletin.

In face-to-face exchanges, besides spoken words, our brains process a cascade of nonverbal cues.

In fact, during face-to-face encounters, we interpret what people say only partly from the words they use.

We get most of the message from vocal tone, pacing, facial expressions and body language.

"Interactional synchronizing" occurs when people move at the same time in the same way, as when two people start to speak at the same time. Synchronizing often occurs when we're getting along with another and feel as though we're "on the same wavelength."

Interactional synchronizing is the result of our subliminal monitoring of, and response to, each other's nonverbal cues.

During face-to-face encounters, tiny structures in our brains called "mirror neurons" actually mimic others' behaviors, sensations and feelings.

Neuroscientists call the phenomenon "limbic synchrony."

The moment we see an emotion expressed on someone's face, or read it in her gestures or posture, we subconsciously place ourselves in the other's shoes.

For this reason, mirror neurons are sometimes referred to as "Dalai Lama neurons," because they provide a biological basis for compassion.
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