Monday, May 13, 2013

Six Principles of Persuasion: Scarcity

Part 6 of a 6-part series

You're feeling the power of scarcity when you pay $900 for a ticket to see The Rolling Stones.

According to Robert Cialdini, we're susceptible to scarcity because loss seems terrible.

Faced with scarcity, you let emotions cloud your brain and throw caution to the wind.

Scarcity is why deadlines drive sales; why "limited editions" disappear from shelves; and why censorship or prohibitionactual or threatenedincites panic buying.

Want to persuade someone? Give him a deadline.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Six Principles of Persuasion: Authority

Part 5 of a 6-part series

You're feeling the power of authority when you accept without question the auto mechanic's recommendation to replace your tie rods.

In Influence, Robert Cialdini writes, "We are trained from birth that obedience to proper authority is right and disobedience is wrong."

Heeding an authority is wisewhen her expertise is genuine. 

But trouble lies in the fact we're vulnerable to symbols of authority:
  • Titles, certifications and professional designations;
  • Uniforms and business suits; and 
  • Trappings of success (trophies, limos, posh offices, club memberships, etc.).
Authority explains why we buy products recommended by actors in TV ads; why we over-tip showy waiters; and why con men like Bernie Madoff flourish.

Want to persuade someone? Trumpet your expertise.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Six Principles of Persuasion: Liking

Part 4 of a 6-part series

You're feeling the power of liking when you accept the affable rep's suggestion to rent a Mercedes, even though you'd be happy with a Hyundai.

Robert Cialdini claims three factors affect likability: 
  • A person's physical attractiveness;
  • Her similarity to ourselves; and 
  • Her readiness to compliment us.
The more these factors are in force, the more likable the individual.

Liking explains why the handsome account exec enjoys a bigger income than his homely colleague; why the insurance agent is so quick to tell you he shares your passion for mountain biking; and why the Realtor says you have beautiful children.

Want to persuade someone? Preen. Relate. Flatter.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Six Principles of Persuasion: Social Proof

Part 3 of a 6-part series

You're feeling the power of social proof when you order the same appetizer as everyone else at the table, even though you've never eaten a ridge gourd.

Robert Cialdini says social proof equips us with a "wonderful kind of automatic-pilot device" that spares us mistakesbut also leaves us vulnerable to marketers.

Social proof explains why baristas salt the tip jar; why publishers splash "best-seller" across book covers; and why manias for products like mortgage derivatives and Cabbage Patch Dolls occur.

Want to persuade someone? Tout the number of customers you have or all the great reviews you've gotten.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Six Principles of Persuasion: Consistency and Commitment

Part 2 of a 6-part series

You planned to buy a dress, not a purse. But you bought a purse because the salesperson said, "You really need a purse that matches your new dress."

You're feeling the power of consistency when you go along with a suggestion automatically. 

Robert Cialdini calls consistency a "shield against thought" that protects us from "unpleasant realizations" (such as the fact that you can hardly afford the new dress).

We prize consistency because we think inconsistency is a character flaw. But that belief can work against our interests.

Consistency kicks in after commitment.

You feel the power of commitment whenever you accept a suggestion to extend your involvement after saying "yes" to a simple request.

  • You agree to take your utility company's phone survey, then agree to switch to a more expensive monthly plan. 
  • You agree to sign a petition, then agree to donate to the cause. 
  • You agree to attend a free seminar, then buy an annuity.

Commitment rules us because it affects self-image. We want to be smart consumers, good citizens, shrewd investors. But that belief can also work against our interests.

Consistency and commitment explain why contests generate new customers; why "lowball" pricing produces profits; and why cross-selling is part of every salesperson's skill-set.

Want to persuade someone? Ask him to perform an easy deed.
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