Sunday, May 1, 2022


Nostalgia is a seductive liar.

— George Ball

I belong to several Facebook groups that relish the past. 

"Abandoned Homes America," for example.

These groups attract fellow aficionados: people avid about old houses, books and films.

But they also attract whiny weirdos who can't handle the here and now.

"As many of us get older, we might hearken back to simpler times," blogger Michael Kwan write in Beyond the Rhetoric

"We may look upon the present with a certain level of disdain. We might admonish 'kids these days' for ruining everything. But, are we all just falling victim to the golden age fallacy?"

Nostalgia, also known as the "golden age fallacy," insists we'd be more content in times gone by.

Nostalgia drives malcontents and misérables to look backwards for happiness.

It's so crippling that philosopher Karl Jaspers blamed the most heinous sorts of crimes—murder, arson, and child molestation—on it.

But I do.

That's why I'm disturbed by the relentless Facebook posts like, "We have too much today an overindulged society, as kids we ate what was on the table" and "Bring back Aunt Jemima, screw the woke crowd!" (both verbatim quotes taken from "The Golden Age of Hollywood").

I see those crabby statements and think, with Jaspers, "There's a potential child molester."

Michael Kwan calls wistful reminiscence a "flaw in the romantic imagination of people who find it difficult to cope with the present."

I think it's a much deeper—and darker—flaw.

A flaw in character.

Saturday, April 30, 2022


The reason people do not know much is that
they do not care to know.

― Stephen Fry

I was scammed last week out of $500; a first, for me.

I received an email appearing to come from the president of an association I belong to. 

She asked me, as a favor, to buy $500 worth of gift cards and send them to a veterans charity on behalf of the association. She was supposedly swamped and couldn't get to it. I'd be reimbursed for my out-of-pocket expense promptly.

I helped her out the following day.

As a volunteer on several nonprofit boards, I receive frenzied requests from other association officers frequently.

Hers seemed fairly routine.

Only when I received a second request from her to send another $500, did I suspect a scam.

My credit card issuer has determined I was duped by a "credible imposter," so I don't feel completely stupid; only partly stupid.

By placing a few phone calls, I learned within moments of sensing a scam that the association's leaders knew for days about the imposters, but covered up their activities from the association's members.

They had also—years ago—posted all the members' names and emails on the association's website, making them easy pickings for scammers.

I informed the president she had committed an egregious breach of trust by exposing members' personal information and then covering up the scam.

But she didn't—and doesn't—get it. 

The term breach of trust means nothing to her. 

She only wanted to know whether to cancel my meal at next month's annual lunch, since I was resigning from membership.

Some folks simply have no business running a nonprofit.

If you are asked to do so, I suggest you first educate yourself—just a little.

It's easy!

There are hundreds of free resources at your fingertips.

Show you care enough to become informed.

Or stay on the sidelines.

You have no business trying to lead.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Federal Court Okays Web Scraping

I've scraped many a website in my time.

"Web scraping," in case you're wondering, refers to the compilation of information that's published on websites.

A few recent examples:
  • This week, I wrote a blog post on the birth of art history by web scraping. 

  • Earlier this month, I taught a brainy high schooler how to "speed write" a term paper by web scraping. In the process, I learned more about Shirley Jackson than you'd ever want to know.

  • Last November, I built an e-mail list of insurance executives for a client who had no marketing list.
Web scraping isn't theft.

Theft is what Instagram coach Kar Brulhart faced this week, when a rival ripped off her ideas verbatim and presented them as his own.

Web scraping is research, as a federal court ruled last week.

In the decision, the US Ninth Circuit ruled against LinkedIn, which sued hiQ Labs, a research firm that studies employee attrition.

LinkedIn wanted HiQ to stop scraping its users' profiles.

The court ruled that web scraping doesn't violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which defines computer hacking under US law.

Hacking is defined as "unauthorized access to a computer system;" but scraping snatches public data.

The case had reached the Supreme Court last year but was sent back to the US Ninth Circuit for review.

The court's decision is a "major win for archivists, academics, researchers and journalists who use tools to mass collect, or scrape, information that is publicly accessible on the Internet," says Tech Crunch.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Feed your head.

— Grace Slick

Mommies are mushrooming, reports Harper's Bazaar.

"This is a time of psychedelic renaissance, of mushroom mania," the magazine says. 

"It’s a time when people are increasingly turning to psychedelics not for recreation but for healing—and many of them are parents."

Raising kids apparently so stresses millennial mommies they must take shrooms to cope.

Magic mushrooms—in my youth the illicit leading edge of consciousness-expansionhave become a trendy substitute for tranquilizers.

But "getting high is not the point," the magazine says: better parenting is.

Parenting is rough, after all, a "sleep-deprived, tedious, anxiety-riddled road, recently made all the more difficult by the pandemic."

Ingesting magic mushrooms can counteract the "malaise of modern parenting."

"The mushrooms allowed me to feel vulnerable," one angst-crippled mommy told the magazine. 

Shrooms took her to a "place of peace and love and real clarity."

Research scientists of recent have been keen on shrooms, according to Harper's Bazaar.

"A steady thrum of studies has illuminated the potential benefits of psychedelics in helping with myriad mental-health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder," the magazine reports.

Two years ago, pharmacologists at Johns Hopkins announced that psilocybin can eliminate depression; while the FDA in 2023 is slated to approve ecstasy for treating PTSD.

So many mommies are turning to shrooms to cope, the magazine says, a nationwide mushroom movement is forming.

Some call the movement "psychedelic parenting;" others, "plant parenthood."

Critics worry that it lacks medical supervision.

But advocates point to the fact that Indigenous healers have used shrooms for thousands of years to heal troubled tribespeople without medical credentials.

Supervised or not, the movement is mushrooming: over 30 million Americans have ingested psychedelics, according to the Johns Hopkins pharmacologists—many of them mommies.

I now understand why I see so many moms in the supermarket talking to the cereal boxes.

Above: Shrooms. Oil on fiberboard. 10 x 8 inches. Score now! 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Hashtags are a Waste of Time (Almost)

Instagram's CEO recently said hashtags are a waste of time, if you use them in the belief that they increase readership.

They don't; they only help Instgram "categorize" your posts.

To verify the CEO's statement, analytics firm Social Insider studied over 75 million posts published between 2021 and 2022.

The firm verified that using a lot of hashtags, indeed, is a time-waster. They don't boost readership. 

At best, the use of a few—six or so—will help make your posts "discoverable."

But piling them on is futile.

Why is that?

Instagram has changed its search engine. 

Users can now enter keywords, instead of hashtags. That means many avoid the hashtags page, preferring to look only at search results.

Should you drop hashtags altogether?

No, says Social Insider.

While readership of your post isn't improved by the use of hashtags, the inclusion of six or fewer hashtags will improve Instagram's ability to categorize your post.

Using more than six penalizes you.
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