Showing posts with label SXSW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SXSW. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Childish Tchotchkes

Want to win over a jaded audience at your next trade show?

"Appeal to the inner child," says marketing consultant Jill Amerie.

Amerie recounts a midnight film screening at this year's SXSW.

A house full of film journalists sat waiting for Keanu, an action-comedy about a kitten, to finally begin. The mood was sullen and bitter.

"Then something interesting happened," Amerie says. 

"The comedic team of Key and Peele came on stage with a basket of toy kittens. They started throwing the stuffed animals into the audience, and suddenly, those tired, grouchy journalists were jumping to catch them like a bunch of bridesmaids going after the wedding bouquet. 

"A lot of those kittens will end up going to the children of those attendees, but it’s a safe bet that a significant number of them will end up in their offices, too."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Officially Awesome

I am delighted to announce that I am now officially awesome.

I have attended South by Southwest.

Not since my days in the Cub Scouts have I tried so hard to earn a badge.

"South by" is, without doubt, among the rockingest events you could ask for.

Lots of people have tried to describe it, with limited success.

Now I understand why.

During my visit, I had the privilege of participating in a closed-door meeting with South by Southwest's executive director, Mike Shea.

Shea described South by Southwest as "dozens of micro events under one tent," plus dozens of micro events "outside the tent."

And not only are there dozens of out-boarding events, there's a swelling crowd of attendees refusing to pay the registration fee.

This so-called "Badgeless Movement" thinks of itself as anarchist. But in my book it's really just a collection of cheapskates.

I feel a bit sorry for them.  

Yes, they may be awesome.  

But they're not officially awesome.
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