Wednesday, March 24, 2021


To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.

― Adolf Hitler

After the Las Vegas sniper took out 60 concert-goers three years ago, Bill O'Reilly called the killings "the price of freedom." 

"Government restrictions will not stop psychopaths from harming people," he said.

To protect ourselves, according to O'Reilly, we need guns, the more—and more lethal—the better. 

"The Second Amendment is clear: Americans have a right to arm themselves for protection. Even the loons."

The two latest mass shootings prove to me that, for fascists like O'Reilly, freedom is dear—and life, cheap.

That's a degree of callousness most Americans find hard to swallow.

Callous, by the way, was borrowed seven centuries ago from the Latin callosus, meaning "thick-skinned." 

Callous means "unfeeling" and "hardened in the mind."

Callousness is a personality trait, I've noticed, among all fascists. 

They're probably right.
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