Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Coffee Black

Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee?

― Albert Camus

Hardship's on the horizon for millions of Americans, who will learn in July that the landlord's leniency is fairly short-lived.

Debt is about to displace one-third of the nation's homeowners, as it did during the Great Depression, when lenders foreclosed on 1,000 homes every day.

And millions more are about to lose their over-leveraged luxuriesboats, RVs, second cars, and second homes.

On his 28th birthday, he built a pine cabin near Walden Pond and began to spend his days gardening, walking, writing and pondering the "mean and sneaking lives many of you live."

Awash in debt, "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation," he noted.

Many are about to hit bottom. 

Painting "Coffee Black" by Lyn Boyer
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