Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Wanderess

Without knowing why or how, I found myself in love with this strange Wanderess. Maybe I was just in love with the dream she was selling me: a life of destiny and fate; as my own life up until we met had been so void of enchantment.

—Roman Payne, The Wanderess

My first crush was my second grade art teacher.

Her name is forgotten to me.

She dressed in black and wore berets.

She told us she commuted on Fridays to my elementary school by subway from Greenwich Village, where she lived. I knew artists and Beatniks harbored there, enjoying vastly Bohemian lives.

Maybe I was just in love with the dream she was selling me, as my own seven-year life until we met had been so void of enchantment.

Remember your crush this Valentine's Day weekend.
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