Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cheap Vindication

If you work in a creative job, you learn quickly to accept rejection.

If not, you don't last very long.

Some of my own favorite creations have, in fact, never seen the light of day. 

They were rejected by clients.

No big deal.  There's always more where that came from.

Still, sometimes, deep down, the rejections bother you.

As Lance Armstrong said, "A boo is a lot louder than a cheer.” 

Once you're past the sting, you're left harboring the feeling it's them, not you, who's missing something.

So it's consoling to read, about a third of the way through Walter Isaacson's new biography, Steve Jobs, that Apple's board of directors detested the now-legendary TV commercial "1984" when Jobs first showed it to them.

They insisted it be trash-canned.

Jobs and his ad agency defied the board (as chairman, he could afford to).  The spot aired during the Super Bowl. 

The rest is history.

Relishing the fact that "1984" almost never aired because a bunch of stodgy executives didn't "get it" is cheap vindication.

I'll take it anyway.
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