Thursday, December 23, 2010

Highest Possible Praise

During a recent phone call, a client said to me, "Your blog post today was better than Seth." 

What I heard was, "better than sex."

I paused for maybe 10 seconds, at a loss for words.

"Seth Godin," he added, feeling the need to clarify.

High praise nevertheless.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Building Blocks

Here's a fundamental law:

The majority of B-to-B buyers engage with a supplier only when they're ready to buy.

That's why all the "pushing" in the world won't budge them.

But you need to stay on buyers' radar screens, so when the "moment of truth" arises they seek you out.

So instead of pushing, try pulling.  Use these five building blocks:

     A. Social networks (especially LinkedIn)
     B. Blogs
     C. Public relations
     D. E-newsletters
     E. Paid search

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Two Fail-Safe Words of Advice

"Ask customers."

They're committed to your brand, too.

But, unlike insiders, customers will provide the Emperor-has-no-clothes appraisal you need when an idea lacks merit.

I'm ceaselessly puzzled by organizations that don't seek an outside reality check before investing in some initiative.

They're everywhere.

On the other hand, be careful to ask the right customers the right questions.  

Because a lot of them (most) have puny imaginations.

Henry Ford famously said, "If I asked my customers what they want, they simply would have said a faster horse."

Monday, December 20, 2010

How to Report from Live Events

While most live-event producers encourage participants to push out content, software giant SAP goes one better.

In advance, SAP maps out the social media coverage of its annual sales meeting. 

SAP identifies a dozen newsworthy topics, then deputizes skilled "reporters” to cover them at the event.

The employees SAP co-opts as reporters must meet a couple requirements.  One, they must be proficient in social media.  Two, they must have online followers. 

They're provided tools and training by the company, so their reportage is even.

During the meeting, the reporters get legal permission to publish interviews and testimonials by asking interviewees to sign index cards with simple "release" language.

The reporters also carry special-purpose business cards with Web addresses printed on them.  They hand these to interviewees, who predictably ask, "Where will this appear?”

You can learn more about SAP's efforts by visiting Andy's Answers at SmartBlog.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Content Rules

Marketing gurus Ann Handley and C.C. Chapman have authored the new book Content Rules.

In a word, it rocks.

Although the authors would hope "to discredit the notion that creating content is complicated and difficult," Content Rules makes one thing crystal clear: it pays to tackle social media marketing with care and know-how.

If you're at all shy in the latter department (who isn't?), Content Rules will help.

Part One provides 11 do's and don'ts, the "rules" touted in the title.  It's packed with advice about writing, curating, co-creating, repurposing, sharing and other activities essential to good content marketing.

Part Two delves into how-to's.  

The authors, like most social media marketing experts, insist a blog forms the "hub" of any sound content marketing strategy.  There's a strong chapter on blogging with 12 more rules on that activity alone.

Fanning from the blog are Webinars, white papers, case studies, FAQ sheets, videos, podcasts and photos.  Part Two includes hundreds of pointers for perfecting these.

Part Three offers 10 case studies. 

Profiled are content marketing grand slams by big and little players, including Boeing, HubSpot and Kodak. 

Included with each case study are "Ideas You Can Steal."  These alone justify the price of the 250-page book.

While co-author Chapman, a "thought leader" in the space, is no slouch, Ms Handley is chief content officer of the much-lauded Website MarketingProfs.

So you can guess the advice in Content Rules is fairly sound.

After all, 365,000 followers can't all be wrong.
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